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2023-05-04 04:46:26 +00:00
# Notes
Natural gradient; interpreter -> semi-VM -> tracing JIT/translator -> optimizing JIT/translator
-> abstract interpreter -> static compiler/translator
A semi-VM which demand translates AST nodes into a stack of demanded evaluation
terms and then walks the evaluation stack as if it were a bytecode or
semi-bytecode evaluator. The advantage of this strategy is that the demanded
operation / control stack and paired data stack eliminate the need to leverage
the system control stack. This gets you serializable stacks for Flowmetal. But
you write two half interpreters.
Now the natural question is why write a hosted VM to get serializable stacks
when Python has a perfectly good bytecode VM already? Sticking one VM atop
another is ... a bit silly especially since the goal of doing so is to be able
to "drop down" from the one to the other to ensure compatibility.
Is there a lens through which the serialization requirements of Flowmental can
be satisfied from "normal" Python using the "normal" Python bytecode
Consider - function call points and function return points are in a sense
language safe points. Rather than trying to capture the entire evaluation
"image" at some point, one could instead track the call/return evaluation log
for replay. Such a scheme would allow Flowmetal to be implemented using static
rewrites of Python ASTs. Any function call becomes a checkpoint as does
receiving the return result.
Any `__call__` invocation needs to be evaluated as something like
x = runtime.call(const_gen_call_id, instance, args)
This tactic specifically leans on `yield` being a statement _with a return
value_. This pattern would let the "runtime" as the root evaluation routine
'continue' any given call site with the return result. `runtime.call` would be
some incantation for producing a sentinel value to the runtime noting that a
function call had been requested - and that its result should either be computed
or replayed from a log.
There are a lot of opportunities for optimization here. Not every function call
needs its value persisted into the log. Most function calls depend only on the
direct live state of the program. Exceptions are things like interacting with
file descriptors/sockets and clocks. But strictly data-dependent operations like
dictionary mutations are entirely safe under replay. They're only path
dependent. So really we only need to "de-optimize" or spy on "key" function
calls which occur against _unsafe_ operations. Or which occur against captured
function/method instances which cannot be statically identified.
There may be games to be played with yield/coroutines here, but that could play
heck with normal generators. Intercepting "normal" calls with "normal" calls is
probably the easy strategy.