diff --git a/doc/call_cc_airflow.md b/doc/call_cc_airflow.md index c668644..48476e2 100644 --- a/doc/call_cc_airflow.md +++ b/doc/call_cc_airflow.md @@ -152,3 +152,5 @@ It is in effect a new language with none of the notational advantages of being o The flipside is that there is an enormous advantage in tooling to be had by leveraging an existing language - or something that looks enough like one - rather than inventing a new notation. This is the cardinal sin of workflow tools like kubeflow and various CI "workflow" formats - they adopt unique YAML or XML based notations which have no tooling support. For instance by being "normal" (ish) Python, the Temporal SDK benefits from access to editor autocompletion, the MyPy typechecker and all manner of other tools. + +In short, the goal of this project is to provide a field-leading implementation of an [AMBROSIA](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/a-m-b-r-o-s-i-a-providing-performant-virtual-resiliency-for-distributed-applications/) like durable functions platform with "plain" Python as the user-facing API.