""" An implementation of driving zappc from Bazel. """ load("@bazel_skylib//lib:collections.bzl", "collections") load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_library", "py_binary") DEFAULT_COMPILER = "@rules_zapp//zapp:zappc" DEFAULT_RUNTIME = "@rules_zapp//zapp:zapp_support" def _store_path(path, ctx, imports): """Given a path, prepend the workspace name as the zappent directory""" # It feels like there should be an easier, less fragile way. if path.startswith("../"): # External workspace, for example # '../protobuf/python/google/protobuf/any_pb2.py' stored_path = path[len("../"):] elif path.startswith("external/"): # External workspace, for example # 'external/protobuf/python/__init__.py' stored_path = path[len("external/"):] else: # Main workspace, for example 'mypackage/main.py' stored_path = ctx.workspace_name + "/" + path matching_prefixes = [] for i in imports: if stored_path.startswith(i): matching_prefixes.append(i) # Find the longest prefix match matching_prefixes = sorted(matching_prefixes, key=len, reverse=True) if matching_prefixes: # Strip the longest matching prefix stored_path = stored_path[len(matching_prefixes[0]):] # Strip any trailing / stored_path = stored_path.lstrip("/") return stored_path def _check_script(point, sources_map): """Check that a given 'script' (eg. module:fn ref.) maps to a file in sources.""" fname = point.split(":")[0].replace(".", "/") + ".py" if fname not in sources_map: fail("Point %s (%s) is not a known source!" % (fname, sources_map)) def _zapp_impl(ctx): """Implementation of zapp() rule""" # TODO: Take wheels and generate a .deps/ tree of them, filtering whl/pypi source files from srcs whls = [] for lib in ctx.attr.wheels: for f in lib.data_runfiles.files.to_list(): whls.append(f) # TODO: also handle ctx.attr.src.data_runfiles.symlinks srcs = [ f for f in ctx.attr.src.default_runfiles.files.to_list() ] # Find the list of directories to add to sys import_roots = collections.uniq([ r for r in ctx.attr.src[PyInfo].imports.to_list() ] + [ # The workspace root is implicitly an import root ctx.workspace_name ]) # Dealing with main main_py_file = ctx.files.main main_py_ref = ctx.attr.entry_point if main_py_ref and main_py_file: fail("Only one of `main` or `entry_point` should be specified") elif main_py_ref: # Compute a main module main_py_file = main_py_ref.split(":")[0].replace(".", "/") + ".py" elif main_py_file: # Compute a main module reference if len(main_py_file) > 1: fail("Expected exactly one .py file, found these: %s" % main_py_file) main_py_file = main_py_file[0] if main_py_file not in ctx.attr.src.data_runfiles.files.to_list(): fail("Main entry point [%s] not listed in srcs" % main_py_file, "main") # Compute the -m <> equivalent for the 'main' module main_py_ref = _store_path(main_py_file.path, ctx, import_roots).replace(".py", "").replace("/", ".") # Make a manifest of files to store in the .zapp file. The # runfiles manifest is not quite right, so we make our own. sources_map = {} # Now add the regular (source and generated) files for input_file in srcs: stored_path = _store_path(input_file.short_path, ctx, import_roots) if stored_path: local_path = input_file.path if stored_path in sources_map and sources_map[stored_path] != '': fail("File path conflict between %s and %s" % sources_map[stored_path], local_path) sources_map[stored_path] = local_path _check_script(main_py_ref, sources_map) for p in ctx.attr.prelude_points: _check_script(p, sources_map) if "__main__.py" in sources_map: fail("__main__.py conflict:", sources_map["__main__.py"], "conflicts with required generated __main__.py") # Write the list to the manifest file manifest_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".zapp-manifest.json") ctx.actions.write( output = manifest_file, content = json.encode({ "shebang": ctx.attr.shebang, "sources": {d: {"hashes": [], "source": s} for d, s in sources_map.items()}, "zip_safe": ctx.attr.zip_safe, "prelude_points": ctx.attr.prelude_points, "entry_point": main_py_ref, "wheels": {w.path.split("/")[-1]: {"hashes": [], "source": w.path} for w in whls}, }), is_executable = False, ) # Run compiler ctx.actions.run( inputs = [ manifest_file, ] + srcs + whls, tools = [], outputs = [ctx.outputs.executable], progress_message = "Building zapp file %s" % ctx.label, executable = ctx.executable.compiler, arguments = [ "--debug", "-o", ctx.outputs.executable.path, manifest_file.path ], mnemonic = "PythonCompile", use_default_shell_env = True, ) # .zapp file itself has no runfiles and no providers return struct( runfiles = ctx.runfiles( files = [ctx.outputs.executable], transitive_files = None, collect_default = True, ) ) _zapp_attrs = { "src": attr.label(mandatory = True), "main": attr.label(allow_single_file = True), "wheels": attr.label_list(), "entry_point": attr.string(), "prelude_points": attr.string_list(), "compiler": attr.label( default = Label(DEFAULT_COMPILER), executable = True, cfg = "host", ), "shebang": attr.string(default = "/usr/bin/env python3"), "zip_safe": attr.bool(default = True), "root_import": attr.bool(default = False), } _zapp = rule( attrs = _zapp_attrs, executable = True, implementation = _zapp_impl, ) def zapp_binary(name, main=None, entry_point=None, prelude_points=[], deps=[], imports=[], test=False, compiler=None, zip_safe=True, rule=_zapp, **kwargs): """A self-contained, single-file Python program, with a .zapp file extension. Args: Same as py_binary, but accepts some extra args - entry_point: The script to run as the main. prelude_points: Additional scripts (zapp middlware) to run before main. compiler: Lable identifying the zapp compiler to use. You shouldn't need to change this. zip_safe: Whether to import Python code and read datafiles directly from the zip archive. Otherwise, if False, all files are extracted to a temporary directory on disk each time the zapp file executes. """ srcs = kwargs.pop("srcs", []) if main and main not in srcs: srcs.append(main) whls = [] src_deps = [] for d in deps: if d.find("//pypi__") != -1: whls.append(d + ":whl") else: src_deps.append(d) py_library( name = name + ".whls", data = whls, ) py_library( name = name + ".lib", srcs = srcs, deps = (src_deps or []) + [DEFAULT_RUNTIME], imports = imports, **kwargs ) rule( name = name, src = name + ".lib", compiler = compiler, main = main, entry_point = entry_point, prelude_points = prelude_points, zip_safe = zip_safe, wheels = [name + ".whls"], ) _zapp_test = rule( attrs = _zapp_attrs, test = True, implementation = _zapp_impl, ) def zapp_test(name, **kwargs): """Same as zapp_binary, just sets the test=True bit.""" zapp_binary(name, rule=_zapp_test, **kwargs)