Reid 'arrdem' McKenzie 5b0062468f Implement re-zipping unzipped wheels
This patch teaches Zapp! to introspect the `sources` of a manifest, and
look for the well-known `WHEEL` file(s) indicative of an
unzipped/installed wheel in the input sources. A wheel can be (somewhat*)
correctly reassembled by zipping its unzipped state, so in the presence
of unzipped wheels Zapp! will re-zip them and enter them into the
manifest appropriately for inclusion.

This fixes #6 the nasty way, as there's no good way to make
`rules_python` provide wheel dependencies or to translate unrolled
wheels back to wheels during rule execution as this would violate
Bazel's file dependency model.
2021-08-29 15:07:56 -06:00

251 lines
7.6 KiB

An implementation of driving zappc from Bazel.
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:collections.bzl", "collections")
load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_library", "py_binary")
DEFAULT_COMPILER = "@rules_zapp//zapp:zappc"
DEFAULT_RUNTIME = "@rules_zapp//zapp:zapp_support"
def _store_path(path, ctx, imports):
"""Given a path, prepend the workspace name as the zappent directory"""
# It feels like there should be an easier, less fragile way.
if path.startswith("../"):
# External workspace, for example
# '../protobuf/python/google/protobuf/'
stored_path = path[len("../"):]
elif path.startswith("external/"):
# External workspace, for example
# 'external/protobuf/python/'
stored_path = path[len("external/"):]
# Main workspace, for example 'mypackage/'
stored_path = ctx.workspace_name + "/" + path
matching_prefixes = []
for i in imports:
if stored_path.startswith(i):
# Find the longest prefix match
matching_prefixes = sorted(matching_prefixes, key=len, reverse=True)
if matching_prefixes:
# Strip the longest matching prefix
stored_path = stored_path[len(matching_prefixes[0]):]
# Strip any trailing /
stored_path = stored_path.lstrip("/")
return stored_path
def _check_script(point, sources_map):
"""Check that a given 'script' (eg. module:fn ref.) maps to a file in sources."""
fname = point.split(":")[0].replace(".", "/") + ".py"
if fname not in sources_map:
fail("Point %s (%s) is not a known source!" % (fname, sources_map))
def _zapp_impl(ctx):
"""Implementation of zapp() rule"""
# TODO: Take wheels and generate a .deps/ tree of them, filtering whl/pypi source files from srcs
whls = []
for lib in ctx.attr.wheels:
for f in lib.data_runfiles.files.to_list():
# TODO: also handle ctx.attr.src.data_runfiles.symlinks
srcs = [
f for f in ctx.attr.src.default_runfiles.files.to_list()
# Find the list of directories to add to sys
import_roots = collections.uniq([
r for r in ctx.attr.src[PyInfo].imports.to_list()
] + [
# The workspace root is implicitly an import root
# Dealing with main
main_py_file = ctx.files.main
main_py_ref = ctx.attr.entry_point
if main_py_ref and main_py_file:
fail("Only one of `main` or `entry_point` should be specified")
elif main_py_ref:
# Compute a main module
main_py_file = main_py_ref.split(":")[0].replace(".", "/") + ".py"
elif main_py_file:
# Compute a main module reference
if len(main_py_file) > 1:
fail("Expected exactly one .py file, found these: %s" % main_py_file)
main_py_file = main_py_file[0]
if main_py_file not in ctx.attr.src.data_runfiles.files.to_list():
fail("Main entry point [%s] not listed in srcs" % main_py_file, "main")
# Compute the -m <> equivalent for the 'main' module
main_py_ref = _store_path(main_py_file.path, ctx, import_roots).replace(".py", "").replace("/", ".")
# Make a manifest of files to store in the .zapp file. The
# runfiles manifest is not quite right, so we make our own.
sources_map = {}
# Now add the regular (source and generated) files
for input_file in srcs:
stored_path = _store_path(input_file.short_path, ctx, import_roots)
if stored_path:
local_path = input_file.path
if stored_path in sources_map and sources_map[stored_path] != '':
fail("File path conflict between %s and %s" % sources_map[stored_path], local_path)
sources_map[stored_path] = local_path
_check_script(main_py_ref, sources_map)
for p in ctx.attr.prelude_points:
_check_script(p, sources_map)
if "" in sources_map:
fail(" conflict:",
"conflicts with required generated")
# Write the list to the manifest file
manifest_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".zapp-manifest.json")
output = manifest_file,
content = json.encode({
"shebang": ctx.attr.shebang,
"sources": sources_map,
"zip_safe": ctx.attr.zip_safe,
"prelude_points": ctx.attr.prelude_points,
"entry_point": main_py_ref,
"wheels": {w.path.split("/")[-1]: {"hashes": [], "source": w.path} for w in whls},
is_executable = False,
# Run compiler
inputs = [
] + srcs + whls,
tools = [],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.executable],
progress_message = "Building zapp file %s" % ctx.label,
executable = ctx.executable.compiler,
arguments = [
"-o", ctx.outputs.executable.path,
mnemonic = "PythonCompile",
use_default_shell_env = True,
# .zapp file itself has no runfiles and no providers
return []
zapp = rule(
attrs = {
"src": attr.label(mandatory = True),
"main": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"wheels": attr.label_list(),
"entry_point": attr.string(),
"prelude_points": attr.string_list(),
"compiler": attr.label(
default = Label(DEFAULT_COMPILER),
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
"shebang": attr.string(default = "/usr/bin/env python3"),
"zip_safe": attr.bool(default = True),
"root_import": attr.bool(default = False),
executable = True,
implementation = _zapp_impl,
def zapp_binary(name,
"""A self-contained, single-file Python program, with a .zapp file extension.
Same as py_binary, but accepts some extra args -
The script to run as the main.
Additional scripts (zapp middlware) to run before main.
Lable identifying the zapp compiler to use. You shouldn't need to change this.
Whether to import Python code and read datafiles directly from the zip
archive. Otherwise, if False, all files are extracted to a temporary
directory on disk each time the zapp file executes.
srcs = kwargs.pop("srcs", [])
if main and main not in srcs:
whls = []
src_deps = []
for d in deps:
if d.find("//pypi__") != -1:
whls.append(d + ":whl")
name = name + ".whls",
data = whls,
name = name + ".lib",
srcs = srcs,
deps = (src_deps or []) + [DEFAULT_RUNTIME],
imports = imports,
name = name,
src = name + ".lib",
compiler = compiler,
main = main,
entry_point = entry_point,
prelude_points = prelude_points,
zip_safe = zip_safe,
wheels = [name + ".whls"],
def zapp_test(name, **kwargs):
"""Same as zapp_binary, just sets the test=True bit."""
zapp_binary(name, test=True, **kwargs)