"""Organize (and annotate) photos predictably. This script is designed to eat a Dropbox style "camera uploads" directory containing many years of photos with various metadata (or data only in the file name) and stomp that all down to something consistent by doing EXIF parsing and falling back to filename parsing if need be. Note that this script does NOT do EXIF rewriting, although it probably should. Generates an output tree of the format - {year}/v1_{iso_date}_{camera_make}_{camera_model}_{device_fingerprint}.{ext} The idea being that chronological-ish order is the default way users will want to view (or process) photos. Note that this means if you do interleaved shooting between devices, it should Just Work (TM). Inspired by https://github.com/herval/org_photos/blob/main/org_photos.rb """ import argparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta from hashlib import sha256, sha512 from pathlib import Path import re from shutil import copy2 as copyfile import stat import sys import typing as t from .util import * # FIXME: use piexif, which supports writeback not exifread. import exifread from yaspin import Spinner, yaspin _print = print def print(*strs, **kwargs): _print("\r", *strs, **kwargs) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("src_dir", type=Path) parser.add_argument("dest_dir", type=Path) parser.add_argument("destructive", action="store_true", default=False) MODIFIED_ISO_DATE = "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%SF%f" SPINNER = Spinner(["|", "/", "-", "\\"], 200) KNOWN_IMG_TYPES = { ".jpg": ".jpeg", ".jpeg": ".jpeg", ".png": ".png", ".mov": ".mov", ".gif": ".gif", ".mp4": ".mp4", ".m4a": ".m4a", ".oga": ".oga", # How the hell do I have ogg files kicking around } def exif_tags(p: Path) -> object: """Return the EXIF tags on an image.""" with open(p, "rb") as fp: return exifread.process_file(fp) def sanitize(s: str) -> str: """Something like b64encode; sanitize a string to a path-friendly version.""" to_del = [" ", ";", ":", "_", "-", "/", "\\", "."] s = s.lower() for c in to_del: s = s.replace(c, "") return s def safe_strptime(date, format): try: return datetime.strptime(date, format) except ValueError: pass def safe_ymdhmms(date): fmt = ( r"(?P\d{4})(?P\d{2})(?P\d{2})" r" " r"(?P\d{2})(?P\d{2})(?P\d{2})(?P\d{3})" ) m = re.match(fmt, date) if m: return datetime( year=int(m.group("year")), month=int(m.group("month")), day=int(m.group("day")), hour=int(m.group("hour")), minute=int(m.group("minute")), second=int(m.group("second")), microsecond=int(m.group("millisecond")) * 1000, ) def date_from_name(fname: str): # Discard common prefixes fname = fname.replace("IMG_", "") fname = fname.replace("PXL_", "") fname = fname.replace("VID_", "") if fname.startswith("v1_"): # The date segment of the v1 file name fname = fname.split("_")[1] # Guess if we have a v0 file name, which neglected the prefix elif fname.count("_") == 3: # A bug fname = fname.split("_")[-1].replace("rc", "")[:25] # We have some other garbage, make our date parsing life easier. else: # A couple of date formats use _ as field separators, consistently choice " " instead so that we can write fewer # date patterns and be more correct. fname = fname.replace("_", " ") fname = re.sub( r"(-\d+)(-\d+)*$", r"\1", fname ) # deal with -1-2 etc. crap from Dropbox # Try to guess the date # File date formats: for unfmt in [ # Our date format lambda d: safe_strptime(d, MODIFIED_ISO_DATE), # A bug # 2014:08:21T19:4640F1408672000 # 2015:12:14T23:0933F1450159773 lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M%SF%f"), # 2020-12-21 lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S.%f"), # 2020-12-21 17.15.09 lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S"), # 2019-02-09 12.45.32-6 # 2019-01-13 13.43.45-16 lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S-%f"), # Note the _1 or such may not be millis, but we assume it is. # 20171113_130826_1 # 20171113 130826 1 lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y%m%d %H%M%S %f"), # 20180404_114639 # 20180404 114639 lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y%m%d %H%M%S"), # 2017-11-05_15:15:55 # 2017-11-05 15:15:55 lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y%m%d %h%m%s%f"), # From the dashcam(s) # 20220427_211616_00023F # 20220510_213347_04187R lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y%m%d %h%m%s %fF"), lambda d: safe_strptime(d, "%Y%m%d %h%m%s %fR"), # HACK: # Python doesn't support %s as milliseconds; these don't quite work. # So use a custom matcher. # 20210526 002327780 # 20210417_220753284 # 20210417 220753284 # 20210304 204755545 # 20211111 224304117 safe_ymdhmms, ]: val = unfmt(fname) if val is not None: return val def date_from_path(p: Path): """Try to munge a datestamp out of a path.""" fname = ".".join(p.name.split(".")[:-1]) date = date_from_name(fname) if not date: print(f"Warning: Unable to infer datetime from {fname!r}", file=sys.stderr) return date def normalize_ext(p: Path): renaming = KNOWN_IMG_TYPES exts = [e.lower() for e in p.suffixes] # Guess an ext out of potentially many, allowing only for folding of effective dupes exts = set(renaming[e] for e in exts if e in renaming) assert len(exts) == 1 return list(exts)[0] class ImgInfo(t.NamedTuple): file_path: Path tags: dict camera_make: str camera_model: str camera_sn: str lens_make: str lens_model: str lens_sn: str software: str date: datetime # A dirty bit, indicating whether the info needs to be written back dirty: bool = False shasum_prefix: int = 9 def device_fingerprint(self): """Compute a stable 'fingerprint' for the device that took the shot.""" return checksum_list( [ self.camera_make, self.camera_model, self.camera_sn, self.lens_make, self.lens_model, self.lens_sn, self.software, ] )[: self.shasum_prefix] def file_fingerprint(self): """Compute a 'fingerprint' for the file itself. Note that this hash DOES include EXIF data, and is not stable. """ return self.file_sha256sum()[: self.shasum_prefix] def file_sha256sum(self): return checksum_path(self.file_path, sha256) def file_sha512sum(self): return checksum_path(self.file_path, sha512) def incr(self, offset: int) -> "ImgInfo": return ImgInfo( self.file_path, self.tags, self.camera_make, self.camera_model, self.camera_sn, self.lens_make, self.lens_model, self.lens_sn, self.software, self.date + timedelta(microseconds=offset), True, ) def img_info(p: Path) -> ImgInfo: """Figure out everything we know from the image info.""" tags = exif_tags(p) def get_tag(tag, default=None): if v := tags.get(tag): if isinstance(v.values, list): return v.values[0] elif isinstance(v.values, str): return v.values else: raise ValueError(f"Don't know how to simplify {v!r}") else: return default ## Camera data camera_make = get_tag("Image Make", "Unknown") camera_model = get_tag("Image Model", "Unknown") camera_sn = get_tag("MakerNote SerialNumber", "Unknown") lens_make = get_tag("EXIF LensMake", "Unknown") lens_model = get_tag("EXIF LensModel", "Unknown") lens_sn = get_tag("EXIF LensSerialNumber", "Unknown") software = get_tag("Image Software", "Unknown") dirty = False # Fixup magic for "correcting" metadata where possible # FIXME: This could be a postprocessing pass if camera_make == "Unknown" and p.name.lower().startswith("dji"): # Magic constants from found examples camera_make = "DJI" camera_model = "FC220" software = "v02.09.514" dirty |= True elif camera_make == "Unknown" and p.name.startswith("PXL_"): camera_make = "Google" camera_model = "Pixel" dirty |= True ## Timestamp data stat = p.stat() # 2019:03:31 15:59:26 date = ( get_tag("Image DateTime") or get_tag("EXIF DateTimeOriginal") or get_tag("EXIF DateTimeDigitized") ) if date and (date := safe_strptime(date, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")): pass elif date := date_from_path(p): dirty |= True else: # The oldest of the mtime and the ctime date = datetime.fromtimestamp(min([stat.st_mtime, stat.st_ctime])) dirty |= True # 944404 subsec = int( get_tag("EXIF SubSecTime") or get_tag("EXIF SubSecTimeOriginal") or get_tag("EXIF SubSecTimeDigitized") or "0" ) # GoPro burst format is G%f.JPG or something close to it if subsec == 0 and (m := re.match(r"g.*(\d{6}).jpe?g", p.name.lower())): subsec = int(m.group(1)) date = date.replace(microsecond=subsec) if not (2015 <= date.year <= datetime.now().year): raise ValueError(f"{p}'s inferred date ({date!r}) is beyond the sanity-check range!") return ImgInfo( p, tags, camera_make, camera_model, camera_sn, lens_make, lens_model, lens_sn, software, date, dirty, ) def is_readonly(src: Path) -> bool: statinfo = os.stat(src, dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True) if statinfo.st_flags & stat.UF_IMMUTABLE: return True return False def main(): opts, args = parser.parse_known_args() def _delete(src): if opts.destructive: if is_readonly(src): print(f" warning: {src} is read-only, unable to remove") else: src.unlink() print(" unlink: ok") def _copy(src, target): print(f" rename: {target}") try: if not opts.destructive: raise OSError() src.rename(target) # Execute the rename except OSError: # cross-device move with yaspin(SPINNER): copyfile(src, target) _delete(src) print("---") sequence_name = None sequence = 0 for src in opts.src_dir.glob("**/*"): print(f"{src}:") ext = "." + src.name.lower().split(".")[-1] print(f" msg: ext inferred as {ext}") if src.is_dir(): continue elif src.name.lower().startswith("."): continue elif ext in ["thm", "lrv", "ico", "sav"] or src.name.startswith("._"): if opts.destructive: src.unlink() continue elif ext in KNOWN_IMG_TYPES: info = img_info(src) year_dir = Path(opts.dest_dir / str(info.date.year)) year_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Ignore existing and continue # Figure out a stable file name stable_name = f"v1_{info.date.strftime(MODIFIED_ISO_DATE)}_{sanitize(info.camera_make)}_{sanitize(info.camera_model)}_{info.device_fingerprint()}" # De-conflict using a sequence number added to the sub-seconds field if sequence_name == stable_name: sequence += 1 info = info.incr(sequence) print(f" warning: de-conflicting filenames with sequence {sequence}") stable_name = f"v1_{info.date.strftime(MODIFIED_ISO_DATE)}_{sanitize(info.camera_make)}_{sanitize(info.camera_model)}_{info.device_fingerprint()}" else: sequence = 0 sequence_name = stable_name try: ext = normalize_ext(src) except AssertionError: continue # Just skip fucked up files target = Path(year_dir / f"{stable_name}{ext}") if not target.exists(): # src & !target => copy _copy(src, target) elif src == target: # src == target; skip DO NOT DELETE SRC pass elif checksum_path_blocks(src) == checksum_path_blocks(target): print(f" ok: {target}") # src != target && id(src) == id(target); delete src if opts.destructive: if is_readonly(src): print(f" warning: {src} is read-only, unable to remove") else: src.unlink() else: # src != target && id(src) != id(target); replace target with src? print(f" warning: {target} is a content-id collision with a different checksum; skipping") else: print(f" msg: unknown filetype {ext}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()