load("@arrdem_source_pypi//:requirements.bzl", _py_requirement = "requirement" ) load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", _py_binary = "py_binary", _py_test = "py_test", _py_library = "py_library", ) def py_requirement(*args, **kwargs): """A re-export of requirement()""" return _py_requirement(*args, **kwargs) def py_test(python_version=None, **kwargs): """A re-export of py_test()""" if python_version and python_version != "PY3": fail("py3k only!") return _py_test( python_version="PY3", **kwargs, ) def py_pytest(name, srcs, deps, main=None, python_version=None, args=None, **kwargs): """A py_test target which uses pytest.""" if python_version and python_version != "PY3": fail("py3k only!") f = "//tools/python:bzl_pytest_shim.py" deps = [ py_requirement("pytest"), py_requirement("jedi"), py_requirement("pytest-pudb"), ] + deps srcs = [f] + srcs t = py_test( name = name, srcs = srcs, main = f, args = args, python_version="PY3", deps = deps, **kwargs, ) # FIXME (arrdem 2020-09-27): # This really needs to be a py_image_test. # Not clear how to achieve that. # py_image( # name = name + ".containerized", # main = f, # args = args, # srcs = srcs, # deps = deps, # **kwargs, # ) return t def py_unittest(srcs=[], **kwargs): """A helper for running unittest tests""" f = "//tools/python:bzl_unittest_shim.py" return py_test( main = f, srcs = [f] + srcs, **kwargs ) def py_binary(python_version=None, main=None, srcs=None, **kwargs): """A re-export of py_binary()""" if python_version and python_version != "PY3": fail("py3k only!") srcs = srcs or [] if main not in srcs: srcs = [main] + srcs return _py_binary( python_version = "PY3", main = main, srcs = srcs, **kwargs, ) def py_library(srcs_version=None, **kwargs): """A re-export of py_library()""" if srcs_version and srcs_version != "PY3": fail("py3k only!") return _py_library( srcs_version="PY3", **kwargs ) ResourceGroupInfo = provider( fields = { "srcs": "files to use from Python", }, ) def _resource_impl(ctx): srcs = [] for target in ctx.attr.srcs: srcs.extend(target.files.to_list()) transitive_srcs = depset(direct = srcs) return [ ResourceGroupInfo( srcs = ctx.attr.srcs, ), PyInfo( has_py2_only_sources = False, has_py3_only_sources = True, uses_shared_libraries = False, transitive_sources = transitive_srcs, ), ] py_resources = rule( implementation = _resource_impl, attrs = { "srcs": attr.label_list( allow_empty = True, mandatory = True, allow_files = True, doc = "Files to hand through to Python", ), }, ) def py_project(name=None, lib_srcs=None, lib_deps=None, lib_data=None, test_srcs=None, test_deps=None, test_data=None): """ A helper for defining conventionally-formatted python project. Assumes that there's a {src,test}/{resources,python} where src/ is a library and test/ is local tests only. Each test_*.py source generates its own implicit test target. This allows for automatic test parallelism. Non test_*.py files are implicitly srcs for the generated test targets. This is the same as making them implicitly a testonly lib. """ lib_srcs = lib_srcs or native.glob(["src/python/**/*.py"]) lib_data = lib_data or native.glob(["src/resources/**/*"]) test_srcs = test_srcs or native.glob(["test/python/**/*.py"]) test_data = test_data or native.glob(["test/resources/**/*"]) py_library( name=name, srcs=lib_srcs, deps=lib_deps, data=lib_data, imports=[ "src/python", "src/resources", ], visibility = [ "//visibility:public", ], ) for src in test_srcs: if "test_" in src: py_pytest( name=name + ".test." + str(hash(src)).replace("-", "") + "." + src.split("/")[-1], srcs=[src] + [f for f in test_srcs if "test_" not in f], deps=[name] + (test_deps or []), data=test_data, imports=[ "test/python", "test/resources", ], )