#!/usr/bin/env python3 __doc__ = f""" Datalog (py) ============ An interactive datalog interpreter with commands and persistence Commands ~~~~~~~~ .help (this message) .all display all tuples .quit to exit the REPL To exit, use control-c or control-d The interpreter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The interpreter reads one line at a time from stdin. Lines are either - definitions (ending in .), - queries (ending in ?) - retractions (ending in !) A definition may contain arbitrarily many datalog tuples and rules. edge(a, b). edge(b, c). % A pair of definitions ⇒ edge(a, b). % The REPL's response that it has been committed ⇒ edge(b, c). A query may contain definitions, but they exist only for the duration of the query. edge(X, Y)? % A query which will enumerate all 2-edges ⇒ edge(a, b). ⇒ edge(b, c). edge(c, d). edge(X, Y)? % A query with a local tuple ⇒ edge(a, b). ⇒ edge(b, c). ⇒ edge(c, d). A retraction may contain only one tuple or clause, which will be expunged. edge(a, b)! % This tuple is in our dataset ⇒ edge(a, b) % So deletion succeeds edge(a, b)! % This tuple is no longer in our dataset ⇒ Ø % So deletion fails """ import argparse import logging import sys from datalog.debris import Timing from datalog.evaluator import select from datalog.reader import pr_str, read_command, read_dataset from datalog.types import ( CachedDataset, Constant, Dataset, LVar, PartlyIndexedDataset, Rule, TableIndexedDataset, ) from prompt_toolkit import print_formatted_text, prompt, PromptSession from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style from yaspin import Spinner, yaspin STYLE = Style.from_dict( { # User input (default text). "": "", "prompt": "ansigreen", "time": "ansiyellow", } ) SPINNER = Spinner(["|", "/", "-", "\\"], 200) class InterpreterInterrupt(Exception): """An exception used to break the prompt or evaluation.""" def print_(fmt, **kwargs): print_formatted_text(FormattedText(fmt), **kwargs) def print_db(db): """Render a database for debugging.""" for e in db.tuples(): print(f"⇒ {pr_str(e)}") for r in db.rules(): print(f"⇒ {pr_str(r)}") def main(args): """REPL entry point.""" if args.db_cls == "simple": db_cls = Dataset elif args.db_cls == "cached": db_cls = CachedDataset elif args.db_cls == "table": db_cls = TableIndexedDataset elif args.db_cls == "partly": db_cls = PartlyIndexedDataset print(f"Using dataset type {db_cls}") session = PromptSession(history=FileHistory(".datalog.history")) db = db_cls([], []) if args.dbs: for db_file in args.dbs: try: with open(db_file, "r") as f: db = db.merge(read_dataset(f.read())) print(f"Loaded {db_file} ...") except Exception as e: print("Internal error - {e}") print(f"Unable to load db {db_file}, skipping") while True: try: line = session.prompt([("class:prompt", ">>> ")], style=STYLE) except (InterpreterInterrupt, KeyboardInterrupt): continue except EOFError: break if line == ".all": op = ".all" elif line == ".dbg": op = ".dbg" elif line == ".quit": break elif line in {".help", "help", "?", "??", "???"}: print(__doc__) continue elif line.split(" ")[0] == ".log": op = ".log" else: try: op, val = read_command(line) except Exception as e: print(f"Got an unknown command or syntax error, can't tell which") continue # Definition merges on the DB if op == ".all": print_db(db) # .dbg drops to a debugger shell so you can poke at the instance objects (database) elif op == ".dbg": import pdb pdb.set_trace() # .log sets the log level - badly elif op == ".log": level = line.split(" ")[1].upper() try: ch.setLevel(getattr(logging, level)) except BaseException: print(f"Unknown log level {level}") elif op == ".": # FIXME (arrdem 2019-06-15): # Syntax rules the parser doesn't impose... try: for rule in val.rules(): assert ( not rule.free_vars ), f"Rule contains free variables {rule.free_vars!r}" for tuple in val.tuples(): assert not any( isinstance(e, LVar) for e in tuple ), f"Tuples cannot contain lvars - {tuple!r}" except BaseException as e: print(f"Error: {e}") continue db = db.merge(val) print_db(val) # Queries execute - note that rules as queries have to be temporarily merged. elif op == "?": # In order to support ad-hoc rules (joins), we have to generate a transient "query" database # by bolting the rule on as an overlay to the existing database. If of course we have a join. # # `val` was previously assumed to be the query pattern. Introduce `qdb`, now used as the # database to query and "fix" `val` to be the temporary rule's pattern. # # We use a new db and db local so that the ephemeral rule doesn't persist unless the user # later `.` defines it. # # Unfortunately doing this merge does nuke caches. qdb = db if isinstance(val, Rule): qdb = db.merge(db_cls([], [val])) val = val.pattern with yaspin(SPINNER) as spinner: with Timing() as t: try: results = list(select(qdb, val)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(f"Evaluation aborted after {t}") continue # It's kinda bogus to move sorting out but oh well sorted(results) for _results, _bindings in results: _result = _results[0] # select only selects one tuple at a time print(f"⇒ {pr_str(_result)}") # So we can report empty sets explicitly. if not results: print("⇒ Ø") print_([("class:time", f"Elapsed time - {t}")], style=STYLE) # Retractions try to delete, but may fail. elif op == "!": if val in db.tuples() or val in [r.pattern for r in db.rules()]: db = db_cls( [u for u in db.tuples() if u != val], [r for r in db.rules() if r.pattern != val], ) print(f"⇒ {pr_str(val)}") else: print("⇒ Ø") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Select which dataset type to use parser.add_argument( "--db-type", choices=["simple", "cached", "table", "partly"], help="Choose which DB to use (default partly)", dest="db_cls", default="partly", ) parser.add_argument( "--load-db", dest="dbs", action="append", help="Datalog files to load first." ) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) logger = logging.getLogger("arrdem.datalog") ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) main(args)