""" Benchmarking the jobq. """ from contextlib import contextmanager import json import logging import os from random import choice, randint from statistics import mean, median, stdev import string import tempfile from time import perf_counter_ns from jobq import JobQueue def randstr(len): return "".join(choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(len)) class Timing(object): def __init__(self, start): self.start = start self.end = None @property def duration(self): if self.end: return self.end - self.start @contextmanager def timing(): """A context manager that produces a semi-mutable timing record.""" obj = Timing(perf_counter_ns()) yield obj obj.end = perf_counter_ns() def timer(val: float) -> str: """Given a time in NS, convert it to integral NS/MS/S such that the non-decimal part is integral.""" for factor, unit in [ (1e9, "s"), (1e6, "ms"), (1e3, "us"), (1, "ns"), ]: scaled_val = val / factor if 1e4 > scaled_val > 1.0: return f"{scaled_val} {unit}" def bench(callable, reps): timings = [] with timing() as run_t: for _ in range(reps): with timing() as t: callable() timings.append(t.duration) print(f"""Ran {callable.__name__!r} {reps} times, total time {timer(run_t.duration)} mean: {timer(mean(timings))} median: {timer(median(timings))} stddev: {timer(stdev(timings))} test overhead: {timer((run_t.duration - sum(timings)) / reps)} """) def test_reference_json(reps): """As a reference benchmark, test just appending to a file.""" jobs = [ {"user_id": randint(0, 1<<32), "msg": randstr(256)} for _ in range(reps) ] jobs_i = iter(jobs) def naive_serialize(): json.dumps([next(jobs_i), ["CREATED"]]) bench(naive_serialize, reps) def test_reference_fsync(reps): """As a reference benchmark, test just appending to a file.""" jobs = [ {"user_id": randint(0, 1<<32), "msg": randstr(256)} for _ in range(reps) ] jobs_i = iter(jobs) handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(handle) with open(path, "w") as fd: def naive_fsync(): fd.write(json.dumps([next(jobs_i), ["CREATED"]])) fd.flush() os.fsync(fd.fileno()) bench(naive_fsync, reps) def test_insert(q, reps): """Benchmark insertion time to a given SQLite DB.""" jobs = [ {"user_id": randint(0, 1<<32), "msg": randstr(256)} for _ in range(reps) ] jobs_i = iter(jobs) def insert(): q.create(next(jobs_i), new_state=["CREATED"]) bench(insert, reps) def test_poll(q, reps): """Benchmark query/update time on a given SQLite DB.""" def poll(): q.poll("json_extract(j.state, '$[0]') = 'CREATED'", ["POLLED"]) bench(poll, reps) def test_append(q, reps): """Benchmark adding an event on a given SQLite DB.""" def append_event(): q.append_event(randint(1, reps), {"foo": "bar"}) bench(append_event, reps) if __name__ == "__main__": # No logs logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARN) # Test params reps = 10000 path = "/tmp/jobq-bench.sqlite3" # Ensuring a clean-ish run env. if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) print("Getting a baseline") test_reference_json(reps) test_reference_fsync(reps) # And the tests print(f"Testing with {path}") q = JobQueue(path) test_insert(q, reps) test_poll(q, reps) test_append(q, reps) print(f"Testing with :memory:") q = JobQueue(":memory:") test_insert(q, reps) test_poll(q, reps) test_append(q, reps)