.. anosql documentation master file, created by
   sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jul 25 09:16:20 2016.
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.

Welcome to anosql's documentation!

.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/anosql.svg
    :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/anosql
    :alt: pypi package version

.. image:: http://readthedocs.org/projects/anosql/badge/?version=latest
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    :alt: Documentation status

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    :alt: Travis build status

A Python library for using SQL

Inspired by the excellent `Yesql`_ library by Kris Jenkins.  In my mother
tongue, *ano* means *yes*.

If you are on python3.6+ or need ``anosql`` to work with ``asyncio`` based database drivers, see the related project `aiosql <https://github.com/nackjicholson/aiosql>`_.



    $ pip install anosql



Given a ``queries.sql`` file:

.. code-block:: sql

    -- name: get-all-greetings
    -- Get all the greetings in the database
    SELECT * FROM greetings;

We can issue SQL queries, like so:

.. code-block:: python

    import anosql
    import psycopg2
    import sqlite3

    # PostgreSQL
    conn = psycopg2.connect('...')
    queries = anosql.from_path('queries.sql', 'psycopg2')

    # Or, Sqlite3...
    conn = sqlite3.connect('cool.db')
    queries = anosql.from_path('queries.sql', 'sqlite3')

    # => [(1, 'Hi')]

    # => Get all the greetings in the database

    # => SELECT * FROM greetings;

    # => ['get_all_greetings']


Often, you want to change parts of the query dynamically, particularly values in the ``WHERE`` clause.
You can use parameters to do this:

.. code-block:: sql

  -- name: get-greetings-for-language
  -- Get all the greetings in the database for a given language
  FROM greetings
  WHERE lang = %s;

And they become positional parameters:

.. code-block:: python

  visitor_language = "en"
  queries.get_all_greetings_for_language(conn, visitor_language)

Named Parameters

To make queries with many parameters more understandable and maintainable, you can give the parameters names:

.. code-block:: sql

  -- name: get-greetings-for-language
  -- Get all the greetings in the database for given language and length
  FROM greetings
  WHERE lang = :lang
  AND len(greeting) <= :length_limit;

If you were writing a Postgresql query, you could also format the parameters as ``%s(lang)`` and ``%s(length_limit)``.

Then, call your queries like you would any Python function with named parameters:

.. code-block:: python

  visitor_language = "en"

  greetings_for_texting = queries.get_all_greetings(conn, lang=visitor_language, length_limit=140)

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

   Getting Started <getting_started>
   Defining Queries <defining_queries>
   Extending anosql <extending>
   Upgrading <upgrading>
   API <source/modules>


BSD, short and sweet

.. _Yesql: https://github.com/krisajenkins/yesql/