#!/usr/bin/env python3 """The Ichor VM.interpreterementation. The whole point of Shoggoth is that program executions are checkpointable and restartable. This requires that rather than using a traditional recursive interpreter which is difficult to snapshot, interpretation in shoggoth occur within a context (a virtual machine) which DOES have an easily introspected and serialized representation. """ from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import ( singledispatch, update_wrapper, ) from typing import Optional from ichor import isa from ichor.state import ( Closure, FunctionRef, Identifier, Module, Stackframe, TypeRef, Variant, VariantRef, ) @dataclass class InterpreterState(object): module: Module stackframe: Stackframe clock: int = 0 class InterpreterError(Exception): """An error raised by the interpreter when something goes awry.""" def __init__(self, state: InterpreterState, message: str, cause: Optional[Exception] = None): super().__init__(message, cause) self.state = state class InterpreterReturn(Exception): def __init__(self, val): super().__init__() self.val = val class InterpreterRestart(Exception): def __init__(self, state: InterpreterState): super().__init__() self.state = state class BaseInterpreter(object): """A generic base class providing a common interface for Ichor interpreters/evaluators.""" def __init__(self, bootstrap_module: Module): self.bootstrap = bootstrap_module def pre_instr(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.Opcode) -> InterpreterState: """Hook. Runs after fetch and before every instruction. Expected to return the working interpreter state, but may transform it if needed. Implementations MUST call the superclass implementation. """ return state def post_instr(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.Opcode) -> InterpreterState: """Hook. Runs after instruction handling and before the cycle completes. Expected to return the working interpreter state, but may transform it if needed. Implementations MUST call the superclass implementation. """ state.clock += 1 return state def handle_fault(self, state, opcode, message, cause=None) -> InterpreterState: # FIXME: The protocol for handling faults and restarting the interpreter is extremely tricky. Can handle_fault # and handle_unknown just return normally? For handle_fault especially this isn't idea, because its exceptional # behavior. It would probably be better in terms of enabling factoring elsewhere to REQUIRE that these two # "return" via raising InterpreterRestart if that's the desired behavior. Otherwise it's too easy to put the # interpreter into screwy states where an instruction is half-executed and we want to resume execution at that # fine-grained undefined point. """Handler for interpreter errors. Called when the interpreter encounters an illegal or incorrect state. Not called for unhandled exceptions. May perform arbitrary effects or interface with the user. May resume the interpreter by raising an InterpreterRestart. Need not call the superclass implementation. """ raise InterpreterError(state, message, cause) def handle_unknown(self, state, opcode) -> InterpreterState: """Handler for unknown opcodes. Called when the interpreter encounters an unsupported operation. May perform arbitrary effects or interface with the user. May resume the interpreter by raising an InterpreterRestart, or returning. Need not call the superclass implementation. """ raise InterpreterError(state, "Unsupported operation: {opcode}") def step(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.Opcode) -> InterpreterState: """Execute an instruction, producing the next state of the VM.""" raise NotImplementedError() def run(self, opcodes, stack=[]): """Directly interpret some opcodes in the configured environment.""" _mod = self.bootstrap.copy() _main = _mod.define_function(";<main>;;", opcodes) _main_fun = _mod.functions[_main] _main_ip = _mod.labels[_main] state = InterpreterState( _mod, Stackframe(_main_fun, _main_ip, stack) ) while True: try: opcode = state.module.codepage[state.stackframe._ip] self.pre_instr(state, opcode) state = self.step(state, opcode) self.post_instr(state, opcode) # FIXME: This case analysis isn't super obvious. except InterpreterReturn as r: return r.val except InterpreterRestart as r: state = r.state continue except Exception as e: raise e def handledispatch(func): dispatcher = singledispatch(func) def wrapper(self, state, opcode): assert isinstance(state, InterpreterState) assert isinstance(opcode, isa.Opcode) return dispatcher.dispatch(opcode.__class__)(self, state, opcode) wrapper.register = dispatcher.register update_wrapper(wrapper, func) return wrapper # FIXME: This implementation does a lot of concrete banging on the stack during precondition checks. This means that # when we bail out to fault handling, the stack IS PROBABLY NOT in the state which caused the fault NOR IS THAT STATE # RECOVERABLE. This is less than ideal if we want to enable restarts and other such things. # # It would be better to use an immutable version of the stack which can cheaply be duplicated, or find some way to # cheaply duplicate the top stack frame and only commit changes to the stack when we change interpreter states. class Interpreter(BaseInterpreter): """A fairly naive concrete interpreter based on singledispatch.""" def step(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.Opcode) -> InterpreterState: """Execute an instruction, producing the next state of the VM.""" return self._handle_opcode(state, opcode) #################################################################################################################### # BEGIN INSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTATIONS AT LENGTH #################################################################################################################### @handledispatch def _handle_opcode(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.Opcode) -> InterpreterState: """Generic entrypoint. Exists to establish a type signature and provide singledispatch handling.""" return self.handle_unknown(state, opcode) @_handle_opcode.register(object) def _handle_unknown(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.Opcode) -> InterpreterState: return self.handle_unknown(state, opcode) @_handle_opcode.register(isa.IDENTIFIERC) def _handle_identifierc(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.IDENTIFIERC) -> InterpreterState: name = opcode.val if not (name in state.module.functions or name in state.module.types or any(name in t.constructors for t in state.module.types.values())): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "IDENTIFIERC references unknown entity") state.stackframe.push(Identifier(name)) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.TYPEREF) def _handle_typeref(self, state, opcode) -> InterpreterState: id = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(id, Identifier): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "TYPEREF consumes an identifier") if not id.name in state.module.types: return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "TYPEREF must be given a valid type identifier") state.stackframe.push(TypeRef(id.name)) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.ARMREF) def _handle_armref(self, state, opcode) -> InterpreterState: id: Identifier = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(id, Identifier): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "VARIANTREF consumes an identifier and a typeref") t: TypeRef = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(t, TypeRef): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "VARIANTREF consumes an identifier and a typeref") type = state.module.types[t.name] if id.name not in type.constructors: return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, f"VARIANTREF given {id.name!r} which does not name a constructor within {type!r}") state.stackframe.push(VariantRef(t, id.name)) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.ARM) def _handle_arm(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.ARM) -> InterpreterState: armref: VariantRef = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(armref, VariantRef): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "VARIANT must be given a valid constructor reference") ctor = state.module.types[armref.type.name].constructors[armref.arm] if opcode.nargs != len(ctor): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "VARIANT given n-args inconsistent with the type constructor") if opcode.nargs > len(state.stackframe): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") # FIXME: Where does type variable to type binding occur? # Certainly needs to be AT LEAST here, where we also need to be doing some typechecking v = Variant(armref.type.name, armref.arm, tuple(state.stackframe[:opcode.nargs])) state.stackframe.drop(opcode.nargs) state.stackframe.push(v) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.ATEST) def _handle_atest(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.ATEST) -> InterpreterState: armref: VariantRef = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(armref, VariantRef): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "VTEST must be given a variant reference") inst: Variant = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(inst, Variant): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "VTEST must be given an instance of a variant") if inst.type == armref.type.name and inst.variant == armref.arm: state.stackframe.goto(opcode.target) else: state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.GOTO) def _handle_goto(self, state, opcode: isa.GOTO) -> InterpreterState: if (opcode.target < 0): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Illegal branch target") state.stackframe.goto(opcode.target) return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.DUP) def _handle_dupe(self, state, opcode: isa.DUP) -> InterpreterState: if (opcode.nargs > len(state.stackframe)): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") state.stackframe.dup(opcode.nargs) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.ROT) def _handle_rot(self, state, opcode: isa.DUP) -> InterpreterState: if (opcode.nargs > len(state.stackframe)): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") state.stackframe.rot(opcode.nargs) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.DROP) def _handle_drop(self, state, opcode: isa.DROP) -> InterpreterState: if (opcode.nargs > len(state.stackframe)): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") state.stackframe.drop(opcode.nargs) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.SLOT) def _handle_slot(self, state, opcode: isa.SLOT) -> InterpreterState: if (opcode.target < 0): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "SLOT must have a positive reference") if (opcode.target > len(state.stackframe) - 1): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "SLOT reference out of range") state.stackframe.slot(opcode.target) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.FUNREF) def _handle_funref(self, state, opcode) -> InterpreterState: id = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(id, Identifier): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "FUNREF consumes an IDENTIFIER") try: # FIXME: Verify this statically state.stackframe.push(FunctionRef.parse(id.name)) except: return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Invalid function ref") state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.CALLF) def _handle_callf(self, state, opcode: isa.CALLF) -> InterpreterState: sig = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(sig, FunctionRef): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "CALLF requires a funref at top of stack") fun = state.module.functions[sig.name] if opcode.nargs != len(fun.arguments): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "CALLF target violation; argument count missmatch") if opcode.nargs > len(state.stackframe): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") try: ip = state.module.labels[fun.signature] state.stackframe = state.stackframe.call(fun, ip) except KeyError: return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Unknown FUNREF target") return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.RETURN) def _handle_return(self, state, opcode: isa.RETURN) -> InterpreterState: n = 1 # FIXME: clean this up if (n > len(state.stackframe)): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") if state.stackframe.depth == 0: raise InterpreterReturn(state.stackframe[:n]) if (len(state.stackframe._fun.returns) != n): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Signature violation") state.stackframe = state.stackframe.ret(n) return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.CLOSUREF) def _handle_closuref(self, state: InterpreterState, opcode: isa.CLOSUREF) -> InterpreterState: n = opcode.nargs sig = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(sig, FunctionRef): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "CLOSUREF requires a funref at top of stack") fun = state.module.functions[sig.name] if not n <= len(fun.arguments): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "CLOSUREF target violation; too many parameters provided") if n > len(state.stackframe): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") c = Closure( sig, state.stackframe[:n] ) state.stackframe.drop(n) state.stackframe.push(c) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.CLOSUREC) def _handle_closurec(self, state, opcode: isa.CLOSUREC) -> InterpreterState: n = opcode.nargs c = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(c, Closure): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "CLOSUREC requires a closure at top of stack") fun = state.module.functions[c.funref.name] if n + len(c.frag) > len(fun.arguments): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "CLOSUREC target violation; too many parameters provided") if n > len(state.stackframe): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") c = Closure( c.funref, state.stackframe[:n] + c.frag ) state.stackframe.drop(n) state.stackframe.push(c) state.stackframe._ip += 1 return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.CALLC) def _handle_callc(self, state, opcode: isa.CALLC) -> InterpreterState: n = opcode.nargs c = state.stackframe.pop() if not isinstance(c, Closure): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "CALLC requires a closure at top of stack") fun = state.module.functions[c.funref.name] if n + len(c.frag) != len(fun.arguments): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "CALLC target vionation; argument count missmatch") if n > len(state.stackframe): return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Stack size violation") # Push the closure's stack fragment state.stackframe._stack = c.frag + state.stackframe._stack # Perform a "normal" funref call try: ip = state.module.labels[fun.signature] except KeyError: return self.handle_fault(state, opcode, "Unknown target") state.stackframe = state.stackframe.call(fun, ip) return state @_handle_opcode.register(isa.BREAK) def _handle_break(self, state, _) -> InterpreterState: raise InterpreterReturn(state.stackframe._stack)