from hashlib import sha256 from pathlib import Path import typing as t def iter_chunks(fp): yield from iter(lambda:, b"") def take(n, iter): """Take the first N items lazily off of an iterable.""" for _ in range(0, n): try: yield next(iter) except StopIteration: break def checksum_list(iter, sum=sha256, salt=b";"): """Compute the checksum of a bunch of stuff from an iterable.""" sum = sum() for i in iter: if salt: sum.update(salt) # Merkle tree salting. if isinstance(i, str): i = str.encode(i, "utf-8") try: sum.update(i) except Exception as e: print(i, type(i)) raise e return sum.hexdigest() def checksum_path_blocks(p: Path, sum=sha256) -> t.Iterable[str]: """Compute block-wise checksums of a file. Inspired by the Dropbox content-hashing interface - """ def _helper(): with open(p, "rb") as fp: for chunk in iter_chunks(fp): digest = sum() digest.update(chunk) yield digest.hexdigest() return list(_helper()) def checksum_path(p: Path, sum=sha256) -> str: """Compute 'the' checksum of an entire file. Note that this does semi-streaming I/O. """ sum = sum() with open(p, "rb") as fp: for chunk in iter_chunks(fp): sum.update(chunk) return sum.hexdigest()