import random import os from flask import Flask, request from import Bot from octorest import OctoRest class ChatBot(Flask): def __init__(self, fb_access_tok='YourFBAccessToken', fb_verify_tok="YourTokenVerification", octo_url="http://octopi.local", octo_apikey="YouShallNotPass"): """ Initialisation of the ChatBot for OctoWatch Parameters: fb_access_tok - the Facebook messenger access token given fb_verify_tok - the Facebook messenger verification code set octo_url - the url of the desired OctoPrint server octo_apikey - the apikey found in the OctoPrint settings """ Flask.__init__(self, __name__) self.access_token = fb_access_tok self.verify_token = fb_verify_tok self.url = octo_url self.apikey = octo_apikey = Bot(self.access_token) self.recipient = None self.client = self.make_client(url=self.url, apikey=self.apikey) def make_client(self, url=None, apikey=None): """ Creates and returns an instance of the OctoRest client. Parameters: url - the url to the octoprint server apikey - the apikey from the octoprint server found in settings """ if url is None: url = self.url if apikey is None: url = self.apikey try: client = OctoRest(url=url, apikey=apikey) return client except ConnectionError as ex: print(ex) def verify_fb_token(self, token_sent): """ Take token sent by Facebook and verify it matches the verify token If they match, allow the request, else return an error Parameters: token_sent - the token received from Facebook """ if token_sent == self.verify_token: return request.args.get("hub.challenge") return "Invalid verification token" def get_message(self): """ Returns a random message from a list of strings """ sample_responses = ["Your print is okay", "I have spotted an error", "1 hour to go"] return random.choice(sample_responses) def send_message(self, recipient_id, response): """ Uses PyMessenger to send response to user Sends user the text message provided via input response parameter Parameters recipient_id - the id of the person receiving response - the text message to respond with """, response) return "success" def send_image(self, recipient_id, response): """ Uses PyMessenger to send response to user Sends user an image provided via the image path in the input response parameter Parameters recipient_id - the id of the person receiving response - the image to respond with given as a path """, response) return "success" def get_printer_info(self): """ Retrieves information about the printer and returns a chatbot message with its current state """ message = str(self.client.version) + "\n" message += str(self.client.job_info()) + "\n" printing = self.client.printer()['state']['flags']['printing'] if printing: message += "Currently printing!\n" else: message += "Not currently printing...\n" return message def get_version(self): """ Retrieves the OctoPrint version and returns chatbot message """ message = "You are using OctoPrint v" + str(self.client.version['server']) + "\n" return message def get_gcode_file_names(self): """ Retrieves the GCODE file names from the OctoPrint server and returns chatbot message """ message = "The GCODE files currently on the printer are:\n\n" for k in self.client.files()['files']: message += k['name'] + "\n" return message def home(self): """ Homes the 3D printer and returns message to inform the user """ message = "Homing your printer... :)" self.client.home() return message def toggle(self): """ Toggles the current print from paused/printing states and returns message to inform the user """ message = "Toggling your print!" self.client.pause() return message def receive_message(self): """ Method for sending/receiving messages to/from users on Facebook. Checks if tokens are valid. Depending on the text received will select the appropriate reply. Receives JSON from OctoWatch containing information about the print if there has been an error. """ if request.method == 'GET': """ Before allowing people to message your bot, Facebook has implemented a verify token that confirms all requests that your bot receives came from Facebook. """ token_sent = request.args.get("hub.verify_token") return self.verify_fb_token(token_sent) # if the request was not get, it must be POST and we can just # proceed with sending a message back to user else: # get whatever message a user sent the bot output = request.get_json() # if it was from messenger if 'object' in output and 'entry' in output: for event in output['entry']: messaging = event['messaging'] for message in messaging: if message.get('message'): # Facebook Messenger ID for user so we know where # to send response back to recipient_id = message['sender']['id'] self.recipient = recipient_id text = message['message'].get('text') if text == 'status': self.send_message(recipient_id, self.get_printer_info()) elif text == 'version': self.send_message(recipient_id, self.get_version()) elif text == 'files': self.send_message(recipient_id, self.get_gcode_file_names()) elif text == 'home': self.send_message(recipient_id, self.home()) elif text == 'toggle': self.send_message(recipient_id, self.toggle()) elif text == 'pause': self.send_message(recipient_id, self.toggle()) elif text == 'resume': self.send_message(recipient_id, self.toggle()) elif text == 'cancel': self.send_message(recipient_id, self.toggle()) elif message['message'].get('text'): response_sent_text = self.get_message() self.send_message(recipient_id, response_sent_text) # if user sends us a GIF, photo,video, # or any other non-text item if message['message'].get('attachments'): response_sent_nontext = self.get_message() self.send_message(recipient_id, response_sent_nontext) return "Message Processed" # if not recognised else: print("Don't recognise...") return "failed" def main(): """ The main function of the program. Creates a ChatBot instance and runs. Defines a function for receiving messages using HTTP GET and POST. """ app = ChatBot() @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def receive_message(): return app.receive_message() if __name__ == "__main__": main()