Reid 'arrdem' McKenzie 514e90d55d fix
2024-02-06 11:18:33 -07:00
src/jobqd setuptools, not Maven 2024-02-06 11:17:32 -07:00
BUILD.bazel fix 2024-02-06 11:18:33 -07:00 Split the jobq into a library and a daemon 2021-08-19 23:28:33 -06:00


Jobq is an event-oriented framework for recording jobs. Each job (a JSON request blob POSTed by the user) has an attached log of events, and a state. Users may change the state of a job, and doing so automatically produces a new event recording the change. Users may manually add events to the log.

Note that, while we strongly suggest that state should always be a tagged tuple, no constraints are placed on its contents.


GET /api/v0/queue

Enumerate all the queues in the system.

POST /api/v0/queue

Create a new queue of jobs.

DELETE /api/v0/queue/<q_id>

Expunge a queue, deleting all jobs in it regardless of state.

GET /api/v0/queue/<q_id>/job

Return an enumeration of jobs active in the system.

POST /api/v0/queue/<q_id>/query_jobs

Perform a point-in-time query for jobs.

The query is a list of [OP, EXPR, EXPR] triples, which are combined under AND to produce a server-side query. Valid ops are IS, LIKE and binary comparisons (<, = and friends). Valid exprs are any SQLite expression not containing sub-queries.

Here, we're looking for jobs tagged as in the ["CREATED"] state.

POST /api/v0/queue/<q_id>/poll_job

Poll for at most one job matching the given query, atomically advancing it to the given state.

Uses the same query format as the /job endpoint.

Here, we're polling for hosts which are in the null (initial) state, and assigning the first such job to this host. Note that this assignment strategy is likely unsound as it lacks a time-to-live or other validity criteria.

POST /api/v0/queue/<q_id>/job

Given a JSON document as the POST body, create a new job with a payload in the given state. If state is not provided, the state null is used.

GET /api/v0/queue/<q_id>/job/<job_id>

Return all available data about a given job, including the payload, event log and current state.

DELETE /api/v0/queue/<q_id>/job/<job_id>

Expunge a given job from the system by ID.

POST /api/v0/queue/<q_id>/job/<job_id>/state

POST the 'current' state, and a proposed new state, attempting to update the state of the job using CAS. If the state of the job updates successfully, a new event will be appended to the job's log and the resulting job will be returned. Otherwise a conflict will be signaled.

POST /api/v0/queue/<q_id>/job/<job_id>/event

Append an arbitrary event to the log. User-defined events will be coded in a "user_event" tag, and have "timestamp" metadata inserted.