2021-08-21 20:02:54 -06:00

99 lines
2.6 KiB

A quick and dirty recursive interpreter for Lilith.
import typing as t
from lilith.parser import Apply, Block, Symbol
from lilith.reader import Module
class Runtime(t.NamedTuple):
name: str
prelude: Symbol
modules: t.Dict[Symbol, Module]
class BindingNotFound(KeyError):
def __init__(self, msg, context):
self.context = context
class Bindings(object):
def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None):
self._name = None
self._parent = None
self._bindings = {}
def get(self, key):
if key in self._bindings:
return self._bindings.get(key)
elif self._parent:
return self._parent.get(key)
except BindingNotFound as e:
raise BindingNotFound(str(e), self)
raise BindingNotFound(f"No binding key {key}", self)
def lookup(runtime, mod, locals, name):
"""Implement resolving a name against multiple namespaces."""
err = None
return locals.get(name)
except BindingNotFound as e:
err = e
if name in mod.defs:
return mod.defs.get(name)
raise err or KeyError
# FIXME (arrdem 2021-08-21):
# How do we ever get references to stuff in other modules?
# !import / !require is probably The Way
def eval(ctx: Runtime, mod: Module, locals: Bindings, expr):
In the context of a given runtime and module which must exist within the
given runtime, evaluate the given expression recursively.
# Pointedly not assert that the module is ACTUALLY in the runtime,
# We're just going to assume this for convenience.
if isinstance(expr, Symbol):
return lookup(ctx, mod, locals, expr)
elif isinstance(expr, Apply):
# Evaluate the call target
fun = eval(ctx, mod, locals,
# Evaluate the parameters
args = eval(ctx, mod, locals, expr.args.positionals)
kwargs = eval(ctx, mod, locals, expr.args.kwargs)
# Use Python's __call__ protocol
return fun(*args, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(expr, (int, float, str)):
return expr
elif isinstance(expr, list):
return [eval(ctx, mod, locals, i) for i in expr]
elif isinstance(expr, tuple):
return tuple(eval(ctx, mod, locals, i) for i in expr)
elif isinstance(expr, dict):
return {
eval(ctx, mod, locals, k): eval(ctx, mod, locals, v)
for k, v in expr.items()
raise RuntimeError(f"Can't eval {expr}")