288 lines
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288 lines
10 KiB
import json
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
import logging
from aiohttp.web import HTTPUnauthorized, Request
from relay import __version__, misc
from relay.http_debug import STATS
from relay.misc import (
from relay.processors import run_processor
routes = []
def register_route(method, path):
def wrapper(func):
routes.append([method, path, func])
return func
return wrapper
@register_route("GET", "/")
async def home(request):
following = "<ul>" + ("\n".join(f"<li>{it}</li>" for it in request.app.database.hostnames)) + "</ul>"
following_count = len(request.app.database.hostnames)
requested = "<ul>" + ("\n".join(f"<li>{it}</li>" for it in request.app.database["follow-requests"])) + "</ul>"
requested_count = len(request.app.database["follow-requests"])
note = request.app.config.note
host = request.app.config.host
text = f"""\
<title>ActivityPub Relay at {host}</title>
body {{ background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: monospace, arial; font-size: 100%; }}
a {{ color: #26F; }}
a:visited {{ color: #46C; }}
a:hover {{ color: #8AF; }}
<p>This is an Activity Relay for fediverse instances.</p>
<p>To host your own relay, you may download the code at this address: <a href="https://git.arrdem.com/arrdem/source/src/branch/trunk/projects/activitypub_relay">https://git.arrdem.com/arrdem/source/src/branch/trunk/projects/activitypub_relay</a></p>
<br><p>This relay is peered with {following_count} registered instances:<br>{following}</p>
<br><p>Another {requested_count} peers await approval:<br>{requested}</p>
return Response.new(text, ctype="html")
@register_route("GET", "/inbox")
@register_route("GET", "/actor")
async def actor(request):
data = Message.new_actor(
host=request.app.config.host, pubkey=request.app.database.pubkey
return Response.new(data, ctype="activity")
@register_route("POST", "/inbox")
@register_route("POST", "/actor")
async def inbox(request):
config = request.app.config
# reject if missing signature header
if "signature" not in request.headers:
logging.debug("Actor missing signature header")
raise HTTPUnauthorized(body="missing signature")
# read message and get actor id and domain
data = await request.json(loads=Message.new_from_json)
if "actor" not in data:
raise KeyError("actor")
# reject if there is no actor in the message
except KeyError:
logging.debug("actor not in data")
return Response.new_error(400, "no actor in message", "json")
logging.exception("Failed to parse inbox message")
return Response.new_error(400, "failed to parse message", "json")
# FIXME: A lot of this code assumes that we're going to have access to the entire actor descriptor.
# This isn't something we actually generally need, and it's not clear how used it is.
# The original relay implementation mostly used to determine activity source domain for relaying.
# This has been refactored out, since there are other sources of this information.
# This PROBABLY means we can do without this data ever ... but here it is.
# Trying to deal with actors/visibility
if isinstance(data.object, dict) and not data.object.get("discoverable", True):
actor = DotDict({"id": "dummy-for-undiscoverable-object"})
# Normal path of looking up the actor...
# FIXME: Needs a cache
actor = await misc.request(data.actorid)
logging.exception(f"{request.id}: {data!r}")
logging.debug(f"Inbox >> {data!r}")
# reject if actor is empty
if not actor:
logging.debug(f"Failed to fetch actor: {data.actorid}")
return Response.new_error(400, "failed to fetch actor", "json")
# Reject if the actor isn't whitelisted while the whiltelist is enabled
# An exception is made for follow requests, which we want to enqueue not reject out of hand
elif config.whitelist_enabled and not config.is_whitelisted(data.domain) and data["type"] != "Follow":
f"Rejected actor for not being in the whitelist: {data.actorid}"
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
# reject if actor is banned
if request.app["config"].is_banned(data.domain):
logging.debug(f"Ignored request from banned actor: {data.actorid}")
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
# FIXME: Needs a cache
software = await misc.fetch_nodeinfo(data.domain)
# reject if software used by actor is banned
if config.blocked_software:
if config.is_banned_software(software):
logging.debug(f"Rejected actor for using specific software: {software}")
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
# reject if the signature is invalid
if not (await misc.validate_signature(data.actorid, request)):
logging.debug(f"signature validation failed for: {data.actorid}")
return Response.new_error(401, "signature check failed", "json")
logging.debug(f">> payload {data}")
resp = await run_processor(request, actor, data, software)
return resp or Response.new(status=202)
@register_route("GET", "/.well-known/webfinger")
async def webfinger(request):
if not (subject := request.query.get("resource")):
return Response.new_error(404, "no resource specified", "json")
if subject != f"acct:relay@{request.app.config.host}":
return Response.new_error(404, "user not found", "json")
data = {
"subject": subject,
"aliases": [request.app.config.actor],
"links": [
"href": request.app.config.actor,
"rel": "self",
"type": "application/activity+json",
"href": request.app.config.actor,
"rel": "self",
"type": 'application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"',
return Response.new(data, ctype="json")
@register_route("GET", "/nodeinfo/{version:\d.\d\.json}")
async def nodeinfo_2_0(request):
niversion = request.match_info["version"][:3]
data = {
"openRegistrations": not request.app.config.whitelist_enabled,
"protocols": ["activitypub"],
"services": {"inbound": [], "outbound": []},
"software": {"name": "activityrelay", "version": __version__},
"usage": {"localPosts": 0, "users": {"total": 1}},
"metadata": {"peers": request.app.database.hostnames},
"version": niversion,
if niversion == "2.1":
data["software"]["repository"] = "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/relay"
return Response.new(data, ctype="json")
@register_route("GET", "/.well-known/nodeinfo")
async def nodeinfo_wellknown(request):
data = WKNodeinfo.new(
return Response.new(data, ctype="json")
@register_route("GET", "/stats")
async def stats(request):
stats = STATS.copy()
stats["pending_requests"] = len(request.app.database.get("follow-requests", {}))
return Response.new(stats, ctype="json")
@register_route("POST", "/admin/config")
async def set_config(request: Request):
if not (auth := request.headers.get("Authorization")):
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
if not auth == f"Bearer {request.app.config.admin_token}":
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
# FIXME: config doesn't have a way to go from JSON or update, using dict stuff
text = await request.text()
new_config = json.loads(text)
except JSONDecodeError as e:
logging.exception(f"Unable to load config {text!r}")
return Response.new_error(400, "bad request", "json")
if request.app.config.whitelist_enabled:
# If there are pending follows which are NOW whitelisted, allow them
for domain in request.app.config.whitelist:
if (pending_follow := request.app.database.get_request(domain, False)):
logging.info(f"Acknowledging queued follow request from {domain}...")
await misc.request(
await misc.request(
# FIXME: If there are EXISTING follows which are NO LONGER allowed/are blacklisted, drop them
return Response.new(status=202)
@register_route("GET", "/admin/config")
def get_config(request: Request):
if not (auth := request.headers.get("Authorization")):
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
if not auth == f"Bearer {request.app.config.admin_token}":
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
return Response.new(request.app.config, status=200, ctype="json")
@register_route("GET", "/admin/pending")
def get_pending(request):
if not (auth := request.headers.get("Authorization")):
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
if not auth == f"Bearer {request.app.config.admin_token}":
return Response.new_error(403, "access denied", "json")
return Response.new(request.app.database["follow-requests"], status=200, ctype="json")