Reid D. 'arrdem' McKenzie bc7cb3e909 [NO TESTS] WIP
2022-06-13 11:44:28 -06:00

150 lines
3.3 KiB

// 2x4" nominal lumber is really 38mm x 89mm x Z
// Drawing unit: MM 1:1
use <casters.scad>
function in2mm(x) = 25.4 * x;
module txf(height) {
cube([38, 89, height]);
module post(height) {
module dpost(height) {
translate([38, 0, 0])
module frame(width, depth, height) {
translate([38, 38, 0]) {
translate([38, 38 + 89 + in2mm(30), 0]) {
translate([38, depth - 89 - 38, 0]) {
// bottom bar
translate([0, 0, 89])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
// top bar
let(inset=in2mm(30) + 38 + 89) {
translate([0, inset, height])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
txf(depth - inset);
// support
translate([0, 0, height - in2mm(20)])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
txf(in2mm(30) + 38 * 2 + 89 * 2);
module shelf(width, depth, thickness) {
// FIXME: Is there more shelf geometry? A bottom box in 1x2 or something?
cube([width, depth, thickness]);
module bench(width, depth, height,
shelf_depth=in2mm(20)) {
ch = 38 * 2 + 2;
ph = height - ch - top_thickness;
// The frame, at relative to caster plane coordinates.
translate([0, 0, ch]) {
frame(width, depth, ph);
translate([width, 0, 0])
mirror([1, 0, 0])
frame(width, depth, ph);
// top
translate([0, 38 + 89 + in2mm(30), ph]) {
cube([width, depth - 38 - 89 - shelf_width, top_thickness]);
translate([0, 0, ph]) {
cube([width, 38 + 89, top_thickness]);
// Wing top
// bottom bars
translate([38, 38, 89])
rotate([-90, 0, -90])
txf(width - 38 * 2);
translate([38, depth, 89])
rotate([-90, 0, -90])
txf(width - 38 * 2);
// "top" bars
translate([38, 38, ph - shelf_depth])
rotate([-90, 0, -90])
txf(width - 38 * 2);
translate([38, 38, ph])
rotate([-90, 0, -90])
txf(width - 38 * 2);
translate([38, 38, ph - shelf_depth])
rotate([-90, 0, -90])
txf(width - 38 * 2);
translate([38, 38*2 + 89*2 + shelf_width, ph - in2mm(20)])
rotate([-90, 0, -90])
txf(width - 38 * 2);
translate([38, 38*2 + 89*2 + shelf_width, ph])
rotate([-90, 0, -90])
txf(width - 38 * 2);
translate([38, depth, ph])
rotate([-90, 0, -90])
txf(width - 38 * 2);
// Reference shelf
translate([0, 38 + 89, ph - shelf_depth/2])
shelf(width, shelf_width, top_thickness);
// The casters, at absolute coordinates
for (dx=[0, width-(38*3)])
for (dy=[38, 38 + 89 + in2mm(30), depth-38-89])
translate([dx + 38, dy + 89/2, 0])
// wheel (r, h)
38, 30,
// axel (r, h)
5, 1,
// bearing (r, h)
10, 1,
module worktop2() {
// 1:1mm to 1:1in because I want to consume this model in the 1:1in garage sketch
scale([1/25.4, 1/25.4, 1/25.4]) {
bench(in2mm(32), in2mm(96), in2mm(40), in2mm(0.75));