#!/usr/bin/zsh # # goto.zsh, a tool for bookmarking directories function _awk { which awk &>/dev/null && awk $@ || \ which gawk &>/dev/null && gawk $@ }; function _goto_file { echo "${GOTO_FILE:-${HOME}/.labels.tsv}" }; function _make_label { printf '%s %s\n' "$1" $(echo "$2" | sed "s^$HOME^^g") >> `_goto_file` }; function label { if [[ "${#}" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Usage: $ label [dir]" echo " creates a label which goto can cd to" elif [[ -d "${2}" ]]; then _make_label "${1}" "${2}" else _make_label "${1}" "${PWD}" fi }; function goto { if [[ "${#}" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Usage: $ goto " echo " jumps to a record set by label" elif [[ "$1" == "ls" ]]; then _awk '{print $1;}' `_goto_file` | column -t else dir=$(_awk "/^$1\s/ {print \$2;exit;}" `_goto_file` | head -n 1) if [[ "${dir}" != "/*" ]]; then dir="${HOME}/${dir}" fi if [[ ! -e "${dir}" ]]; then echo "Error: Label '$1' resolved to missing path '$dir'" else cd "${dir}" fi fi }; function _goto { for label in $(awk '{print $1}' `_goto_file`) do compadd "$@" $label done }; compdef _goto goto